Can Dogs Eat Cheese?

Angela Vuckovic
by Angela Vuckovic
fast facts

If you’re wondering can dogs eat cheese safely, you’ve come to the right place. Find out all you need to know about giving dairy products to your pet!

When it comes to cheese, opinions are divided. Some people steer clear from this lactose-abundant delicacy, while others can’t imagine a tasty meal without at least a little bit of cheese grated on top of it. Regardless of your own personal preferences, though, chances are that your four-legged companion would have no problem snarfing up a block of cheese. Whether you’re a cheese fanatic or don’t like the popular dairy product, the question that’s probably got you wondering is- can dogs eat cheese?

As omnivores and furry creatures of questionable taste in food (some dogs even find poop to be delicious), canines can eat a huge variety of foods. This includes a lot of things that can be found on our plates, too, thanks to our long shared history and evolution of dogs as man’s best friend.

However, you shouldn’t let the fact that dogs can eat various foods safely fool you: in our modern diets, there are a lot more things that would harm them. When it comes to cheese and its place in the canine diet, the answer is a bit complex. If you’re looking for a quick answer on can dogs eat cheese, though, it would be yes. Cheese is safe for most dogs, but only if given in the right form and amount.

For more information on cheese and canines, including potential benefits and risks, keep on reading!

Can Dogs Eat Cheese?

Now that you have the short answer to can dogs eat cheese, it’s time for the in-depth talk about this dairy delicacy and its safety for pets. The attribute man’s best friend isn’t something that is given lightly: dogs and humans have been together for 16,000 to 32,00 years, according to new findings. In that time, dogs have evolved alongside us, which included eating our ancestors’ scraps. Furthermore, production of cheese, as well, has a rich history that predates written records- the earliest evidence of cheese-making can be traced back to as far as 6,000 BCE.

Considering that cheese has been a dietary staple for thousands of years, it’s safe to assume that dogs have been eating cheese probably as long as we have been eating it. There are even pictures of dogs trying to mooch off some of this dairy delicacy from their owners that date from the 14th century. Seriously, look at the angry face on this hungry doggo!

But what about our modern pooches and their diet? Can dogs eat cheese nowadays and have no issues because of it? If you choose the right kind of cheese and give it in a moderate amount, the answer is yes, your dog can enjoy cheese same as you do.

As any cheesemonger or self-proclaimed cheese connoisseur will tell you- not all cheeses are created equal. For humans, this mostly means that not all have the same taste and a price tag, but for dogs, it will decide if they should eat it or not. For instance, you might appreciate a cheese plate that features herb-infused cheese, or blue cheese, but these are not entirely safe for your pet to eat. Instead, when choosing a cheese for your dog, aim for low-fat, low-sodium options such as cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta, or mozzarella.

Dogs and Dairy Products: Are There Benefits or Risks to Feeding Cheese?

Yes, there is more to cheese than great taste, especially when it comes to canine consumption. Provided that you don’t go overboard with the serving size and that you chose one of the “lighter” types of cheese, treating your four-legged companion with this dairy delicacy can have various benefits. Most importantly, cheese has a lot of nutrients that are important for canine diet, including essential fatty acids, complex vitamins, and a ton of protein.

While there’s no doubt about cheese being safe for dogs in general, there are some cases when feeding cheese can lead to some minor health issues. Same as it is the case with humans, dogs can be lactose-intolerant, too, which means that even a small amount of cheese can cause gastrointestinal upset. To avoid any boats of diarrhea or vomiting, give your pet just a bite of cheese and monitor them to ensure that this dairy treat didn’t upset their tummy. Additionally, while cheese is a protein and nutrient-rich, it’s also abundant in calories, so treating your pet with cheese on a regular basis can lead to weight gain.

How to Give Cheese to Your Dog

The first serving rule when it comes to cheese is not to go overboard. Sure, those sad puppy eyes might be hard to resist at first, but when you know it’s for their own good, it gets easier to avoid overindulging your furry bestie. With that being said, how you’ll serve cheese to your pet is entirely up to you! It can be a slice of semi-hard cheese such as Monterey Jack, or a tablespoon or two worth of plain cottage cheese, for instance.

Granted, while these might be the easiest options, it’s a shame to waste those rare opportunities you can give your pooch some cheese on such ordinary treats! Instead, why not prepare some mouthwatering cheesy treats that will motivate any pupper to be a very good boy? Here are some of our favorite recipes for dog treats that include cheese as one of the main ingredients- make sure to try at least one of them!

Bacon and Cheese Dog Muffin Recipe

I think it’s safe to say that these two ingredients are irresistible to any canine (and most humans), especially when paired in a savory muffin. To whip up these heavenly dog treats, you’ll need wheat flour, grated cheddar cheese, crispy and crumbled bacon, eggs, oil, and some baking powder.

Up At The Cottage Cheese Chicken And Rice Dog Food Recipe

Even if you feed your pooch dry food, it doesn’t mean that they can’t enjoy a home cooked meal from time to time. In addition to cottage cheese, these recipe features yummy human-grade ingredients such as ground chicken, olive oil, cooked brown rice, egg, spinach, and some frozen carrots and peas. And the best part is- you can make a big batch to freeze and have delicious meals ready to serve at any time!

Cheese Whiz Dog Treat Recipe

If your pupper is a cheese-fiend like our furry taste tester Oscar, this is a recipe you shouldn’t miss out on. These dog cookies are ideal for furballs who go bananas for dairy! The super cheesy, super tasty recipe calls for grated Cheddar and Parmesan cheese, olive oil, rolled oats, whole wheat flour, Brewer’s yeast, and unsweetened applesauce. Fair warning: your doggo will try to devour them even before they make it to the oven.

Cheesy Bacon and Apple Dog Treat Recipe

These dog cookies are set to prove that, yes, treats can be healthy and decadent at the same time! To counteract the calorie-rich fried bacon crumbles and grated cheddar cheese, you’ll be mixing them with a large grated apple, whole wheat flour, olive oil, egg, dried parsley, and some almond milk.

Peanut Butter and Cheese Dog Treat Recipe

Sure, PB and J are a tried and true combo of deliciousness, but mixing peanut butter and cheese is bound to be a hit in any pooch’s book. To make these, you’ll need rolled oats, beef or chicken broth, cornmeal, almond milk, wheat flour, egg, and, of course, shredded cheese and peanut butter. This recipe yields 30 to 40 dog treats, so it’s a great choice if you want to make a larger batch for sharing with your local furry friends!

Cheesy Tuna Dog Treat Recipe

These dog cookies are rich in essential fatty acids and proteins, and, more importantly (to dogs), they’re drool-inducingly good! Choose a dog-safe canned tuna that is shredded and stored in water (not oil), and mix it with grated parmesan, flour, egg, and grated carrots. If you have a pooch that doesn’t like fish, this is a great way to sneak some in their meals!

Who Cut The Cheese Dog Treat Recipe

While the recipe’s name might imply differently, these cookies will not make your four-legged bestie bloated. These are really simple to make and call for ingredients you probably already have in your pantry, such as flour, shredded cheese (any kind will do, really), egg, vegetable oil, and chicken broth (which can be substituted with water).

Cheeseburger Dog Treat Recipe

OK, so you can’t make cheese-starring delicacies without making cheeseburgers. These dog treats will be different than what you’re eating, of course, but they’ll be equally yummy to your pooch- even without the bun. To prepare these doggie burger treats, you’ll need wheat flour, shredded cheddar cheese, minced ground beef, grated carrot, garlic powder, wheat germ, eggs, and beef broth.

Angela Vuckovic
Angela Vuckovic

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.

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