6 Easy Hacks to Cure Fish Boredom

Just like any other pet, fish can become bored, too. And while they won't chew up your shoes, keeping them occupied will ensure they live a healthier life.

What You Need to Know About the Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle is important if you're interested in cultivating a thriving aquarium. Let's talk about the basics and why you need to know about it.

Ebb and Grow: Growing and Controlling Algae in Your Aquarium

It doesn't take much for algae to become a problem in your fish tank. There are many reasons why it grows and there are a few ways to keep it under control.

Don’t Clam Up: Open Your Tank to Clams

Clams could truly be the treasures of your saltwater aquarium. Available in a wide array of colors and sizes, clams can be the centerpiece of your tank.

5 Fish Questions You Always Wanted to Ask

There's no such thing as a stupid question. But if you're too hesitant to raise your hand, here are 5 fish questions you always wanted to ask.

Get to Know the Bristlenose Pleco

A lesser known variety of the species, the Bristlenose Pleco has a lot going for it. Easy to care for, this fish makes a great addition to home aquariums.

Aquarium Snails: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

What starts out as a small nuisance may end up becoming a "Snail Apocalypse!" Here's how these visitors get into your aquarium and what you can do about it.

Best Betta Tank Decorations

Do you want to complement your beautiful Betta fish? Why not fill your aquarium with the awe-inspiring Betta tank decorations?

Can You Sustain a Planted Tank Without a Filter?

You don't have fish in your aquarium, just plants. That means you don't need a filter, right? Here's why you may want to add a filter to your planted tank.

Tank Stocking: The Truth About The 1 Inch Per Gallon Rule

You've heard about the "one inch of fish per gallon" rule, but there are other factors to keep in mind when you're first stocking your aquarium.

Choosing the Right Substrate for Your Aquarium

Let's get to the bottom of aquarium substrate! Depending on what kind of tank you set up, you need to choose the right substrate for it.

Best Aquarium Stands and Cabinets

You can't just put a full aquarium on any piece of furniture - it has to be made to take the weight of your tank. Here are our picks for awesome aquarium stands and cabinets.�

Top 8 All-In-One Aquariums

You want a fish tank, but you want everything you need in one package so you've got the essentials. Here's our list of top 5 all-in-one aquariums.

Coral Reef-Safe Fish Species for Saltwater Tanks

Pairing the right fish with the right coral makes for a vibrant and healthy aquarium. Here's what saltwater fish will enjoy your coral reef tank.

Best LED Aquarium Lighting Systems

What is the one thing that can immediately transform the look of a home aquarium? The right LED aquarium lighting system.

Add Color to Your Tank With Freshwater Shrimp

Have you ever thought of adding freshwater shrimp to your aquarium? A wonderful addition to any tank, shrimp brighten and bring zest to a tank.

Risky Business: Four Types of Dangerous Aquarium Fish

Swimming in the shallow end isn't for everyone. Some people like their fish to have a bit of bite! Check out these four types of dangerous aquarium fish.

Best Saltwater Aquarium Kit

A saltwater aquarium kit lets you create a gorgeous tank without much hassle - they contain everything you need to get started.

Fish Ponds Let You Take Your Hobby Outside

Revitalize your outdoor living space with a container pond or a small water feature. Easy and inexpensive, your pond will add new life your landscape.

Best Affordable Supplies for a 20-Gallon Tank

Thinking about getting a home aquarium? You need more than a tank! Here's our list of best affordable supplies for a 20-gallon tank.

How to Tell If Aquarium Hobby Right for You

Keeping an aquarium is fun and rewarding - it also takes work. Do you have what it takes to dive into the aquarium hobby?

The Bobbit Worm: Your Saltwater Tank’s Loch Ness Monster

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into your tank, your saltwater fish start disappearing! A devious worm may be at the center of this mystery.

Tips for Converting From a Fish-Only to a Planted Tank

You've decided to make a change from a fish-only to a planted tank. When you're ready to add live plants to the mix, here are some tips you should follow.

Why You Need To Dip Your Coral in Coral RX

You've spent a lot of time and money on your aquarium. Don't let nasty parasites take over - use Coral RX to drip your coral before adding it to your reef.

Readers’ Picks: Top 12 Live Amano Shrimp Buys

Who knew that Amazon was a great place to buy live shrimp? From start to drop off, happy customers are reporting no casualties en route.

5 Plants Picks for Your Brackish Aquarium

It's not saltwater, it's not freshwater - brackish aquariums offer a bit of both! But finding the right plants for this type of tank can prove to be tricky.

Top 5 Freshwater Fish Species for Planted Tanks

Now that you've got your planted tank set up, it's time to stock it with fish. You can't go wrong with these five freshwater fish species.

Top 8 Best Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Welcome to the wonderful world of planted tanks! If you're just getting started, we've made a list of eight aquarium plants that are great for beginners.

Our Guide to the Best Nano Tanks

Short on space, but love fish? A nano tank may just fill that empty space in your home. Here are the best nano tanks we've found.

Top 3 Most Popular Types of Aquarium Filters

You know that you need a filter to keep your aquarium clean. Did you know that certain types of tanks need a filter that'll get the job done right?

Cichlids: One Of The World’s Most Fascinating Freshwater Fish Specie

Colorful and plentiful, cichlids are a popular freshwater aquarium fish. If you're looking to add them to your tank, here are a few basics to keep in mind.

Aquarium Heating: Submersible Vs. Hang-on Heaters

Unless your aquarium only houses goldfish, you're going to need a tank heater. But should you go with a submersible or a hang-on heater?

6 Most Common Freshwater Fish Diseases

Just like any other pet, fish are susceptible to illness. If you have a tank, be on the lookout for these six common freshwater diseases.

Biotope Tanks: What Are They and How Do You Cultivate One?

Before you buy, have you narrowed down your choice of fish tank? If you're looking into freshwater, the Biotope tank may be just what you're looking for.

Pros and Cons of Feeding Your Fish Live Food

What are you feeding your fish for dinner? If you're planning on feeding your fish live food, here's what you need to know about this type of diet.

Top 5 Invertebrates to Hire For Your Freshwater Cleanup Crew

Taking care of your aquarium is hard work - you need to bring in some extra muscle! Here are 5 invertebrates that you want on your freshwater cleanup crew.

Best Foreground Plants to Use in a Planted Tank

Much thought and planning goes into a vibrant, practical planted tank. Learn how to properly arrange your plants and which ones are best for the foreground.

7 Common Types of Algae Found in Freshwater Aquariums

It's not easy being green... or brown... or red. How many different types of freshwater algae are you familiar with and how to you control it?

Keeping Carnivorous Plants in Your Home Aquarium

Don’t let the name scare you off. Adding carnivorous plants to your tank can take your aquarium to a new level of uniqueness. When you are ready to s…

Above the Water’s Surface: A Guide to Emersed Plant Growth

A different take on planted tanks, emersed plant life gives your aquarium dimension. Let's talk about the ins and outs of emersed aquarium plants.

Conditioning Your Fish Tank With Seachem Prime

To remove chlorine from tap water so that it's safe for your aquarium, you'll need a prime water conditioner. And Seachem Prime is what the pros recommend.

4 Popular Cryptocoryne Species for Your Planted Tank

Lush and colorful, the Cryptocoryne species is a popular pick for planted tank enthusiasts. Why not add these vibrant aquatic plants to your tank?

4 Best Types of Lighting Systems for Planted Aquariums

Got light? The right lights on your aquarium can not only make your tank shine, but it's also necessary component for plants to thrive.

Best Sponge Filters for Aquariums

Sponge filters provide mechanical filtration and, over time, may provide biological filtration as well.

Taking a Closer Look at Oscars

One of the most popular aquarium fish species is the Oscar. Brilliantly colored and quite smart, there's a lot you didn't know about these tough fish.

Exploring The Riparium: A New Kind of Planted Tank

Also known as a �Riverbank Aquarium,� the Riparium is growing in popularity. Let's go over the basics of this new planted tank trend.

Aquarium Biology 101: Anatomy of a Fish

We all know that a fish has gills and fins... but there's more to them than just a few basic parts. Get ready for our crash course in "Anatomy of a Fish."

How To Speak Fish: More Than Just Blowing Bubbles

You may not hear it, but your fish have a way of talking to each other. Even though they don't make a sound, their actions speak louder than words!

Aquarium LED Review: Finnex Planted+ 24/7

For perfect lighting, no matter what time of day, the Finnex Planted+ 24/7 LED fixture offers a hands-free simulated sunrise and sunset effect.

Tetra 101: Introduction to Schools of Fish

It's time to go back to school - we're going to educate you on schools of fish. Before you head to the front of the class, we'll teach you about tetras.

Readers’ Picks: Top Seachem Products for Aquariums

Seachem is the most trusted name in the aquarium hobby game, according to PetGuide readers. Here we take a look at the top Seachem products on Amazon.

How to Properly Acclimate New Fish in the Aquarium

When it comes to aquariums, how you add new fish to your tank is important to their safety and well being. Tips for acclimatizing fish to your aquarium.

Oscars and Aquarium Plants: Can You Have Both?

Some fish and aquarium plants don't go together. If you're thinking of adding Oscars to your planted tank, keep these important facts in mind.

The Best Aquarium Sand

What are you decorating the bottom of your tank with? We've got some ideas - here's the best aquarium sand on the market.

Fish RX: Hikari PraziPro Fights Parasite Infestations

What do you do when your fish get sick? Before or after parasites invade your aquarium, medicate your fish with Hikari PraziPro.

How to Safely Clean Your Tank and Aquarium Decorations

If you're sprucing up your tank with aquarium d�cor, it's going to need to be cleaned. Here's how to do it without endangering your fishes' environment.

Cute But Deadly: The Truth About Fish Bowls

They may be compact and stylish, but there's nothing cute about fish bowls. Small space and toxic water conditions are just a few of things wrong with them.

Top 3 Marine Invertebrates for Beginners

You're getting creative with your tank, and you're thinking about adding invertebrates to the mix. If you're a beginner, start with these marine inverts.

Best Aquarium Lights

Lights� cameras� action! Put a spotlight on your tank with the right lighting. Here are our picks for the best aquarium lights.

What Are the Most Difficult Aquatic Plants to Grow?

Some plants take a lot more work than others. If you're looking for a challenge, these are the most difficult aquatic plants to grow.