VP Pence’s Family Pays Touching Tribute to Beloved Family Cat

Sadly, Pickle the Cat has passed away, though you may know her better as one of Vice President Mike Pence's family pets. RIP Pickle.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Our cats live the good life - they sleep until they're ready to eat or demand your attention. But why do cats sleep much of their day away?

The Importance of Environmental Enrichment for Cats

Felines benefit from some environmental enrichment in their lives. Just a few added touches to your living spaces keep your cat happy and well behaved.

UK Parliament Seeks Pussies to Help Get Rid of Rodents

When the cat's away, the mice shall play. Seems true in the UK, where members of parliament are begging for cats to take care of a mouse infestation.

10 Tips On How To Stop Your Cat From Scratching Furniture

Cats have an itch they just have to scratch – here’s what you can do to keep them from scratching furniture Cats make awesome pets. But there are…

Tips for Keeping Your Aquarium Water Quality High

You may not be able to see it, but the quality of the water in your aquarium makes all the difference. Here's why your water quality needs to be high.

How to Set Up the Perfect Environment for Foster Kittens

You've decided to open your home to kittens in need. Make sure they feel welcome by creating the perfect environment for them to thrive.

Study Gives Cat Owners Scientific Proof That Their Pets Are Ignoring T

A new study by Japanese reseasrchers confirms what many other suspected: cats understand us perfectly fine, they just don't care to show it.

How To Understand Cat Body Language

Cats can be hard to read because of the physical and vocal clues to let you know what they're thinking. Here's how to pick up on cat body language.

Kitten Cuddle At Charlotte Airport Is A Purr-fect Pre-flight Treat

The Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina honored International Cat Day in just about the best way possible–their first ever Kitten…

Are Pitbulls Dangerous: Sorting Out The Facts From Myths

Pitbulls have got lots of bad press in the past. With all the hype surrounding this breed, how do you sort facts from the myths - are Pitbulls dangerous?

So Much Want: Plush Pussy Purses!

If you don't want a purse that looks like a furry cat with big balls anatomically private parts, then you might need to reexamine life goals.

10 Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Decisions

There are two types of cats: the couldn't-care-less kind and the adventurous goofball. For your entertainment, here are some belonging to the latter.

Taylor Swift’s Cats Help Her Bide Time as Her New Album Rolls Out

T-Swift's new album Reputation just dropped, but seems like she and her pretty kitties just had to let the cat out of the bag a teensy bit early.

Tips and Tricks for Stocking a Community Tank

You've decided to stock your own community tank. But what fish will get along together in your Zen aquarium? Here's what you need to know.

Why Dogs Lick Themselves Before Sleeping?

That tongue never seems to stop going... even before he goes to sleep. Ever wonder why dogs lick themselves before they go to sleep?

Cat Rapper Moshow Shares His Feline-Inspired Feelings [Video]

Is there anything more swoon-worthy than a guy with a cat squad, rapping about feline love? Well, take a look at this video and judge for yourself.

Best Affordable Supplies for a 20-Gallon Tank

Thinking about getting a home aquarium? You need more than a tank! Here's our list of best affordable supplies for a 20-gallon tank.

Cat Steals the Show By Jumping on Owner’s Head During Live TV Interv

A charming ginger cat became an internet celebrity when she climbed on her owner's shoulder during his interview- live on national television.

Cat Owners Who Feed Their Pets Vegan Diet Could Face Fines or Jail Tim

While there might be good intentions behind a vegan dietary switch, imposing a meat-free diet on a cat is an act of animal cruelty, the UK charity warns.

Here’s What You Should Know About Feline Pica

There's nothing wrong if your cat likes to chew on some grass, but if she's been eating some weird stuff, she may have Feline Pica.

You Need These Life-Sized Lego-Like Cats!

Ever wanted a life-size replica of your cat made from Lego-like bricks? A Hong Kong company makes 'building blocks for kidults,' has you covered!

Why Are Cats So Protective of Their Bellies?

Have you ever rubbed a cat's belly? Chances are, that if you ever tried, you got a hiss and a paw full of claws for you troubles.

Cat or Dog? Only His Groomer Knows For Sure.

Is he a dog or is he a cat? Only his groomer knows for sure... which is a good thing, because his groomer happens to be his mom.

Photographer Hilariously Recreates Pusheen Stickers IRL

I can haz Pusheen plz? The famous Internet sticker cat comes to life in this series of photographs that recreate some of Pusheen's well-known poses.

Take a Walk On the Wild Side of Bettas

Take a walk on the wild side! You know about bettas, but do you know about wild betta fish? Let's look at wild bettas that can be kept in an aquarium.

What Is Feline Whisker Fatigue?

Who knew that whiskers could get so tired? It's true, and whisker fatigue could be causing your cat some serious stress around mealtimes.

Product Review: AquaMaxx HOB Protein Skimmer

Let us clarify how important a quality protein skimmer is to your tank. We give the AquaMaxx HOB Protein Skimmer a spin in our aquarium.

Cat Treadmill Works as a Feline Personal Trainer [Video]

It’s a new year and time for your fat cat to kiss that fluff goodbye. Meet the Little Cat–an $1800 ‘personal trainer’ for your cat th…

What You Need to Know About the Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle is important if you're interested in cultivating a thriving aquarium. Let's talk about the basics and why you need to know about it.

Top 3 Most Popular Types of Aquarium Filters

You know that you need a filter to keep your aquarium clean. Did you know that certain types of tanks need a filter that'll get the job done right?

Daily and Weekly Coral Reef Tank Maintenance Schedule

You've set up your coral reef tank and it looks spectacular. But don't rest on your laurels - daily and weekly maintenance to make sure it stays that way.

8 Ways to Celebrate Halloween With Your Dog

Do you love the Halloween season? This is my favorite time of year! Of course, if I am going to enjoy the celebrations, I want to do so with my best friends by my side. I’m talking about my dogs.

Gen Y Dogma: 5 Eye-Opening Lessons Learned During Our Crash Course In

Your puppy comes home, you’ve explored every inch of her adorable body, rubbing her belly and ears, taking pictures and posting them on Facebook for ev…

Claws Are Coming Out In The Battle Over Cat Declawing

The battle about declawing cats comes to a head where veterinarian groups are fighting against animal rights groups who want to banning the practice.

How to Solve the 7 Most Common Kitty Litter Problems

From peeing in miscellaneous places to suddenly refusing to use the litter box: here's what your cat is trying to tell you.

How To Read A Cat Food Label

If cat food labels look all Greek to you, we’ll translate what it all means Any good holistic veterinarian or pet nutritionist will tell you that your…

How to Introduce Your Cat to a New Dog

Fighting like cats and dogs - an old cliché that doesn't have to hold true. Here's how cats and dogs can become the best of friends.

Why Can’t I Pet Service Dogs?

If you're a dog lover, it's hard to pass by a dog without stopping and petting his head. But Service Dogs have a job to do - and there's no petting allowed.

The Bobbit Worm: Your Saltwater Tank’s Loch Ness Monster

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into your tank, your saltwater fish start disappearing! A devious worm may be at the center of this mystery.

Work To Drool: Reasons to Have Dogs At Work

Dogs at work: the benefits of having dogs in the work place, and some great tips on how to convince your boss to let you bring your own dog to work.

Grumpy Cat Perks Up After Winning $710,000 in Court Case

Grumpy Cat is best known for her mean mugging, but if ever she’d smile, it’s because she just been awarded over $700,000 in a lawsuit claiming he…

Help Kickstart FoodieKat’s Catnip Infused Sushi Cat Toys

Tired of boring cat toys that line the aisles of pet stores? So is your cat, and FoodieKat's new Catnip Infused Sushi Toys are aimed to remedy that problem!

Fun Facts About Cat Hairballs

Cat hairballs aren't just gross - they can be dangerous to your kitty. It's gross, but let's go over some need-to-know info for cat hairballs.

Why Do Cats Hate Water?

They just don't mix - put the two together and it may not end well. But why do cats hate water so much? We have a few theories that may clear things up.

Pussy Princess Celebrates Birthday With Cat Quinceanera

Why weren't we invited? A fabulous cat had an extravagant quinceanera to celebrate her 15th birthday, and the festivities have gone viral!

Best Cat Backpacks

Are you in search of a cat carrier that you can wear as a backpack to make it easy to transport your pet or head off on a fun adventure in the great outdoors together? Well, there are a lot of these products on the market today, so you can select the one that will fit all your needs while also giving your frisky feline a comfortable place where she will feel safe and secure until you reach your destination.

Why Dogs Aren’t Toys for Kids

A dog often tops a child's gift list. But it's important to realize that a dog shouldn't be thought of as a kid's toy, and here's why.

The C.A.T.S. Are Out Of the Bag and ALL Over the Subway!

A kickstarter-turned-revolution has replaced advertisements in a London subway with pictures of adorable cats who are looking for homes. Meow!

Frozen Cat Revived and Lucky To Live Eight Remaining Lives

A very lucky kitty has turned in one of its nine lives after being frozen, rescued and brought back to life and warmth thanks to the care of an animal hospit…

6 Easy Hacks to Cure Fish Boredom

Just like any other pet, fish can become bored, too. And while they won't chew up your shoes, keeping them occupied will ensure they live a healthier life.

Ebb and Grow: Growing and Controlling Algae in Your Aquarium

It doesn't take much for algae to become a problem in your fish tank. There are many reasons why it grows and there are a few ways to keep it under control.

What Are the Most Attractive Corals for a Reef Tank?

Broccoli, bubbles and... open brains? These are just a few coral types that will bloom in your aquarium and give your reef environment life.

Cat Bread is the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!

A bakery in Japan has gone to the cats--they've baked up a new bread that will have all the kittehs (and kitteh lovahs) saying, "Mmmmm...meow!"

Tank Stocking: The Truth About The 1 Inch Per Gallon Rule

You've heard about the "one inch of fish per gallon" rule, but there are other factors to keep in mind when you're first stocking your aquarium.

Memories Of Pets Who Have Crossed The Rainbow Bridge Live On, Online

In honor of World Pet Memorial Day, 4myfriend.com gives grieving pet parents an online opportunity to memorialize their beloved pet. Our pets are our friends…

Natural Remedies for Feline Arthritis

Relieve your cat’s arthritis the natural way with these holistic remedies. Because cats love to jump and run – sometimes even for no apparent rea…

Gen Y Dogma: How To Do Your Dog’s First Christmas Up In Style

Christina is in the holiday spirit and she’s decking her dog out in all the festive gear she can get her hands on. I said it last week, and I’ll…

PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountain

Designed to not only rehydrate your smaller pet but actually entice him to drink more water throughout the day, the PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountai…

Best Cat Ball Toys

Cats can go bouncy for balls! If your feline can't get enough of them, here is our list of the best cat ball toys.