Dog Expert Warren Eckstein Launches “The Pet Insider” Podcast

Banking on a successful 30-year career, dog expert Warren Eckstein is set to launch a brand new weekly podcast on PodcastOne.

Best Puzzle Games for Cats

How do you keep your cat entertained and out of trouble? If you want to train his brain, try one of these puzzle games for cats.

Eco-Friendly Ripple Rug For Cats Looking For A Kick Start

This Kickstarter is just for the kitties. Meet the Ripple Rug, a new cat toy made from recycled plastic bottles that saves your furniture from cat-astrophe!…

Pawsome Cat Products You Can Buy on Etsy

We love shopping on Etsy! It's the best place to buy handmade, one-of-a-kind gifts for your kitty.

Best Cat Spinning Toys

There are a lot of innovative pet toys on the market to help you keep your cat active, happy, and healthy. Spinning toys are popular because they are a type of electronic toy that is so simple, yet cats love them. To help you find the right spinning toy for your feline companion, we’ve compiled some helpful tips below, along with a list of 10 toys that we think are worth checking out when you’re ready to shop.

Help Fill Shelter Litter Boxes By Voting For A Celebrity Cat!

One Day Left! Vote for your favorite Celebrity Cat and help donate 50,000 pounds of litter to shelter cats in need. When nature calls it doesn’t matter…

Why Do Cats Meow at Night?

Let me sing you the song of my people... as soon as you tuck in for the night! Let's get to the bottom of why cats meow at night.

Shelter’s “Kitty Bjorn” Gives Feral Cats Much Needed Comfort

Feral kittens in Boston are taking 'babywearing' to a whole new level, as they're toted ar0und in the cutest kitten carriers we've ever seen!

Why Do Cats Knock Things Over?

Cats are famous for knocking things over. It doesn't even have to be in their way! Why do cats have a knack for knocking things over?

Luna and Oliver Top Most Popular Cat Names of 2016

Finding the right name for your ferocious feline is tough. To make finding the purr-fect moniker a bit easier, check out 2016's most popular cat names.

Rescue Cat Thinks Life’s a Beach In Australia

Whoever said cats don’t love water never met a Nathan, a one-year-old water-loving kitty who swims with the best of them! A rescued cat in Australia ha…

Baby Talk Will Get You More Attention From Your Cat, Vet Expert Claims

According to Dr. Uri Burstyn, a veterinarian from Vancouver, choosing a cat name that ends in a high-pitched sound is bound to make them respond to it.

The Best Catnip for Herb-Loving Kitties

Best catnip is potent, fresh, and grown and harvested up to standards that ensure health safety of your pet- check out our selection!

Lush’s Bewitched Bubble Bar is Halloween Purrfection

Just in time for the Halloween, Lush Cosmetics introduces a black cat bubble bath bar, and we're telling you, it's making women everywhere say, "Meow!"

How To Discipline A Cat (Without Losing Your Mind!)

We know it's hard to believe, but cats can misbehave on occasion (What?!). It's true - here's how to discipline a cat and help you break bad kitty habits.

Show Off Cat Lady Pride With Feline-Themed Embroidery Patterns

The feline-tastic book that will make your summer contains hundreds of cat motifs and easy-to-follow instructions on how to stitch them yourself.

Top 10 Purrfect Gifts For Cat Lovers

What do you get your crazy cat lovin' friend for the holidays? Well, take a look at our Top 10 Gifts for Cat lovers and take your pick!

Best Hairball Control Products for Cats

EWWWWWW, gross - a hairball! Don't you wish you could get rid of them? If you're sick of them, try one of these best hairball control products for cats.

“Giving Shelter” Art Exhibit Combines Creativity and Condos for Ho

Architects for Animals displayed its acclaimed 'Giving Shelter' exhibit recently, displaying unique outdoor dwellings for homeless cats.

We’re Onboard With Japan’s First Cat Cafe On a Train!

Cat cafes are incredibly popular in Japan and the trend has spread to the rest of the world. But now they've gone one step further, a cat cafe on a train!

Best Diet Cat Foods

Does your kitty need to lose some weight? If your cat is looking to slim down, check out our list of the best diet cat foods.�

Joined in Meowtrimony: Woman Marries Her Cat to Prevent Eviction

In an effort to prevent future landlord(s) from imposing no-pets-allowed lease conditions when renting, Deborah Hodge, aged 49 from Sidcup, United Kingdom, married her cat India.

Cats and Rodents – Keep or Immediately Dispose of Their Catch?

Let’s face it, prey drive in our furry felines runs high. Hence all those squeaky, mouse-shaped playthings we love stashing into their arsenal of toys. I mean,…

DIY Gingerbread House for Cats is Too Tempting to Resist [Video]

Cats aren't known for being gentle with Christmas trees. Perhaps you can build your kitties a paw-some DIY gingerbread house like this one!

Best Cat Pheromone Sprays

If your cat suffers from stress or anxiety, it can result in unwanted behavior. Cat pheromone sprays could be the answer you've been looking for.�

It Took 5 Cats to Nail the Role of Church in New Pet Sematary Movie

The showbiz can be tough for actors, especially four-legged ones. But, that wasn't the case for the five fab felines that were cast for Pet Sematary movie.

FDA Approves Mirataz, A New Weight Loss Control Medicine For Cats

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Mirataz, a new drug for managing unintentional weight loss in cats.

Help Celebrate National #FeralCatDay On October 16 With Jackson Galaxy

We can probably all agree on the importance of spaying and neutering our pets, but what about the ones that don’t have a home? October 16 is National F…

Psyllium Fiber for Cats: A Natural Remedy for Constipation

Did you know that you can add fiber to your kitty's diet? Let's talk about psyllium fiber for cats and how it can help.

One Family’s Pair of Cats Breaks Two Times the World Records

The 2018 Guinness Book of World Records is out, and features a pair of 'sibling cats' from Michigan who take reign as double record holders!

Best Cat Scratchers

Want to stop your cat from shredding your furniture to bits? Our list covers best cat scratchers, designed to suit every kitty's needs and quirks.

Interactive Cat Brush Lets You Lick Your Cat –Hairballs Not Included

Coming soon to Kickstarter - the Licki Brush, a new grooming tool that lets you groom your cat like a cat! Hairballs not included.

5 Fascinating Facts About Cat Whiskers

What do cats use whiskers for? If you’ve ever wondered about that, we’ve got five facts about feline whiskers. Cat whiskers: you might think that…

Winners Of Our Petlinks Meowy Catmas Contest

It's like waiting until December 25 to open your presents! Here's what you've been waiting for - the winners of our Petlinks Meowy Catmas contest!

6 Easy Ways to Make Your Cat Happy

You want to keep your kitty purring with happiness, right? Trust us - making your cat happy is in the best interest of you and your beloved feline!

Hilarious Police Account Of Cat Stuck In Tree Goes Viral

If you've ever owned a cat, particularly one who has a penchant for climbing trees, the police account from a town in Maine will have you in stitches.

Best Cat Strollers

Feel like taking your cat out for a walk, but a leash is out of the question? We've got the solution -- check out our choices for the best cat strollers.

What Is Pancreatitis in Cats?

While it's not known what causes the condition, pancreatitis in cats is a serious issue. Here's what you should know about the disease.

Me-Om: Do Yoga, Adopt Cats

Cats have the right idea when they stretch out their bodies. Why not join them for a class of Me-Om - a yoga class with adoptable cats!

These Voyagers Live on the Road With 5 Cats and Love Every Minute of I

Hayden and Aaron Hall are known as the Vegan Voyagers, and they’ve acquired quite the following on social media. After selling everything they owned, t…

Should You Get a Kitten for Your Senior Cat?

If you have a senior cat who seems bored or lonely, you might be thinking about adopting a kitten to give them a feline companion. But is this a good idea?

Feline Health: Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Don't write off your cat's unusual behavior as a cry for attention - it could be a cry for help! These symptoms could signal a serious health problem.

Couple Says I Do to 1,000 Feline Wedding Guests

A Montreal couple foregoes the traditional big wedding and instead, decides to have a ceremony surrounded by residents of The Cat House.

Top 10 Fantastic Etsy Finds for Your Feline

Purring in delight isn't just for cats. These feline finds will delight even the pickiest puss and will definitely make it onto your most wanted list.

Best Cat Repellent

A cat repellent is a humane and efficient way to keep cats from ruining your garden, peeing in your yard, or destroying plants and furniture.

Could This Be the Secret to Why Cats Knock Stuff Over?

A feline researcher revealed the reason why cats have the strong urge to knock over your belongings- and it makes perfect sense.

Do Cats Snore?

Cats are known for napping, and sure do look cute while doing it. Do cats snore while chasing mice and yarn in their sleep?

How to Introduce Your Cat to a New Dog

Fighting like cats and dogs - an old cliché that doesn't have to hold true. Here's how cats and dogs can become the best of friends.

How to Make a Cat Poop When Constipated

When your cat's all bunged up, what do you do to unplug the blockage? Here's how to make a cat poop when constipated.

How to Bond With Your New Kitten

It's more than love at first sight. Start off your relationship purr-fectly by doing all the right things to bond with your kitten.

Top 10 Best Cat Beds

We've narrowed down the choices to the best cat beds the market has to offer- each with specific advantages. The only thing you have to do is choose one!

An AI App Helps Vets Diagnose Cats By Detecting Their Pain Levels

An Alberta-based company is developing an app that could change the way we see cats and their emotions. The innovative AI app is named Tably, and it aims to help vet clinics assess a cat’s pain more easily.

How to Solve the 7 Most Common Kitty Litter Problems

From peeing in miscellaneous places to suddenly refusing to use the litter box: here's what your cat is trying to tell you.

Helpful Tips for Giving Your Cat a Pill

When your kitty doesn't want to take his meds, it can be a tough pill to swallow. Here are a few tips that will make it go down easier.

How to Kitten Proof Your Home

Kittens get into everything - they're curious, playful and can't help themselves! Get down to their level and kitten proof your home!

Costumed Kitties Pay Homage to Taylor Swift and Sparks Fly!

Meet Fan Girl Jessica, who dresses her cat up to match Taylor Swift in honor of her new album, "Reputation," being released in November!

What Is Feline Group Scent?

Your kitty's nose knows... especially when there are other cats around. If you've got more than one cat, you'll want to know all about feline group scent.

PyroPet Candles Burn Down Reveal A Cat’s Split Personality

A unique candle from PyroPet Candles showcases the duality of our feline friends with a surprise skeleton that literally comes out of the burning candle!

Top 10 Essential Books for New Cat Owners

If you're a first-time cat parent, you may be overwhelmed with all the things you need to know. These books are great resources for new cat owners.

This Instagram Kitty Goes On Pawesome Outdoors Adventures With His Dad

Have you ever seen a backpacking cat? Simone is a black feline that's defying stereotypes by exploring the great outdoors with his nature-loving owner.