Adventures In Fostering: A Day In The Life Of Dog Foster Dad

Kevin Roberts has taken in a new foster dog. The first bloom of excitement has worn off - it's time for Francis to show his true colors and begin training.

Getting Things Ready For Your New Rescue Dog

You can’t wait for your new rescue dog to come home – but is your home ready for him? You’ve taken the plunge and decided to give a home to…

Shelter Spotlight: American Dog Rescue Foundation

Are you up for the challenge? American Dog Rescue is, and they're determined to reduce the number of homeless dogs on the streets.

Adoptable Dog Of The Week – Kemp

Come on, get happy… just like Kemp, our Adoptable Dog of the Week from Kemp is an adult Rat Terrier mix from Grayslake, Illinois. He&rs…

7 Ways a Shelter Dog Can Improve Your Life

If you want to experience the joys of owning a dog but aren't sure that buying a puppy is the right choice for you, think about adopting a shelter dog.

Why You Should Consider Fostering a Dog

Open your heart and your home, and foster a dog in need If you love dogs, you may think that the most practical course of action would be to buy or adopt one…

Shelter Spotlight: Hull’s Haven Border Collie Rescue

This month, we travel to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada to spotlight Hull's Haven Border Collie Rescue. This non-profit rescue group takes in any dog in need.

Is Your Dog Really Rescued or Adopted?

Is "adopted" or "rescued" the correct terminology to use when referring to a dog? Kevin Roberts talks about why these terms may not fit the situation.