Cat Travels Hundreds of Miles to Find His Way Home

Lisa Selvaggio
by Lisa Selvaggio

In yet another amazing story of a cat being reunited with their owners, a kitty from California made it home by traveling hundreds of miles after getting lost in Wyoming.


A Camping Trip Gone Wrong

It all started when Benny and Susanne Anguiano—who are from Salinas, California—were on a camping trip in Yellowstone National Park with their two cats, including their cat Rayne Beau. Though they had plenty of experience in vacationing with their cats, they lost Rayne Beau after he got frightened and ran off.

Benny and Susanne searched for their lost cat in the park for days. They even left out toys and treats to help him find his way back, and received assistance in the search from other campers and park rangers. But they were unsuccessful in finding him. Ultimately, they were forced to return home without him.  

A Journey Home

Even though it seemed like they would never see Rayne Beau again, Susanne continued to hope for the best outcome. It took about two months, or sixty days, for her to get a message that Rayne Beau’s microchip had been scanned after he was found in California.

Pet Watch sent a message to the couple, letting them know that Rayne Beau was at the Placer SPCA in Roseville, California. He was found and turned in by a kind woman, Alex Betts, who heard him crying and saw him outside in the hot summer. She gave him food and water, but realized he wasn’t doing well, as he would pant. After bringing him home with her, she could tell that he was someone’s lost kitty.

No one has any idea how Rayne Beau made his way from Yellowstone National Park to Roseville, which is a distance of more than 800 miles. And despite that incredibly long journey, he was still very far from home, as Salinas is nearly 200 miles away from Roseville.  

Because of Rayne Beau’s time outside on his own, he was depleted and wasn’t in the best shape, but he survived and is back home with his family.

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Lisa Selvaggio
Lisa Selvaggio

Lisa Selvaggio is a freelance writer and editor, and our resident cats-pert, with certifications in pet nutrition and pet first aid. She enjoys producing content that helps people understand animals better so they can give their pets a safe and happy home.

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