Why Is My Puppy Whining?

Angela Vuckovic
by Angela Vuckovic

While bringing a puppy home can be such a joyful and exciting event, it doesn’t mean it’s without challenges –especially for first-time dog owners. One of the (many) burning questions new puppy parents have is why their pet is whining and if it’s a sign of distress. Simply put, just like human babies, puppies need to communicate with the brand-new world around them. They do this by whining, which is their number one tool for expressing fear, hunger, frustration, or anything in between.

The nuances can be difficult to spot when you’re not experienced with puppies, but once you know what to look for, it will be easy to differ when your puppy is whining because they are looking for a second breakfast or if it’s a more serious cause.

Why Is My Puppy Whining? 5 Most Common Reasons for Puppy Whining

One of the most common reasons why a puppy would whine is attention seeking. When faced with a new environment and away from their parents, puppies will usually feel scared and lonely, particularly if you are away. So, when they whine, they ask for comfort and company. Remember that these are social creatures, especially at such an early age, and if they feel neglected, they will whine until someone reacts. That is why it is crucial not to underestimate this need and to provide your puppy with lots of attention, playtime, and dog toys that would keep them engaged and feeling secure. 

Of course, it is not always about attention. Puppies will often whine to communicate that they are hungry or thirsty. Unlike adult dogs, puppies need multiple meals throughout the day, so make sure that you keep a regular feeding schedule that suits your puppy's developmental needs. In case your puppy is whining when it's close to meal time, it might just be their way of reminding you that it’s time to eat. 

Sometimes, the reason for a puppy to whine might be super simple, like fear and anxiety. After all, new environments, unfamiliar people, and loud noises are enough to scare anyone, let alone a fragile little puppy. One of the particular sources of anxiety for them is separation. They will quickly build a connection with you, and as soon as you leave, they might feel abandoned. To relieve this anxiety and minimize their whining, you should provide them with a source of comfort, like a favorite plush toy, a blankie, or even a piece of your clothing. 

If you are doing things the right way and starting potty training early on, be certain that the puppy will quickly get the hang of it. For those who have been practicing outside potty time training, their puppy might whine to signal that they need to go to the bathroom. Keep in mind that puppies have small bladders and they will need to frequently relieve themselves. So if your puppy is whining and seems restless, it’s a good idea to take them outside for a quick potty break.

Last but certainly not the least is teething. One of the most common reasons for whining in puppies comes as a no-brainer. The process of new teeth emerging is definitely not pleasant for puppies, but it’s still something that they have to go through. You will need to be patient in this period, and provide your little friend with a bit of relief, such as rubber teething toys.

It goes without saying that if you suspect that your puppy is whining for some reason that you cannot understand, or if their whining is persistent, a veterinarian should be contacted at once. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Angela Vuckovic
Angela Vuckovic

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.

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