Cat Blog

Holy Meow! Our cat blog lets you dig your claws into the latest news, information, tips, and products that are breaking in the world of cats. is always on the prowl for what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

We talk about topics that cat parents need to know about. Does your cat have hairballs? We have some tips to help your cat cutback on this nasty grooming concern. Or maybe your cat is trying to tell you something… well, we know how to decode all that secret kitty body language. Or perhaps you’re welcoming a new kitten or cat into your family – let us help you get your home ready for this new addition. When birthdays and holidays roll around, are you stuck on what to get the impossible-to-buy-for cat or cat lover in your life? We’ve thought of all of that and much more, giving you the answers you need to make your cat’s life purr-fect. Plus, we’ll keep you posted on all the cool cat news, events, contests, studies, videos, and funny updates that make the Internet so cat friendly.’s cat blog helps to inspire cat parents, offering our readers the best ideas and solutions for life with their cats. From feline-friendly home decor items, adorable pictures of kittens, and cat rescue organizations, to in-depth information about all the official recognized cat breeds to choose from and common feline health symptoms and treatments, we’ve got our paws on the pulse of what’s happening in the world of cats.

If you have a question, if there’s a product you’d like us to review or something you like to know more about, please let us know and we’ll cover it in our cat blog. The more crazy cat people, the better–there’s always room for one more feline lover in our cat community!

Cat Steals the Show By Jumping on Owner’s Head During Live TV Interv

A charming ginger cat became an internet celebrity when she climbed on her owner's shoulder during his interview- live on national television.

Cat Man Of Aleppo Saves The Cats Of War

War takes its toll on all the citizens of the land–including its animals. In Rebel-held Northern Syria, a man deemed the Cat Man of Aleppo saves the ca…

How a Cat Exercise Wheel Can Fight Obesity

It's not like you can take your cat for a jog! If your kitty has a few pounds to work off, consider a cat exercise wheel.

Look What The Curious Cat Dragged In – a Bag Full Of Drugs!

They say a dog’s nose knows, but one curious kitty in England helped the local police with a major suspected cocaine drug bust. Forensic experts in Avo…

The Claws Are Out: New York Aims To Ban Cat Declawing

Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal sponsors bill to make New York the first state to legally ban declawing in the U.S. If you have never heard of the controve…

Cat Bringing You Dead Animals as Gifts? Artificial Intelligence Will B

The use of artificial intelligence in the pet industry is slowly but surely gaining more ground: this AI-powered cat flap just proves it.

Why Do Cats Purr?

If you're happy and you know it, let out a purr! We love that sound - but did you know there's much more behind it - so why do cats purr?

Senior Cat Health Problems: How to Keep Your Senior Cat Active

Part of getting older is slowing down. The same goes for our felines. Take control of your senior cat health problems by keeping her active.

How Feline Behavior Can Change With Age

As cats get older, not only does their appearance alter, but their behavior can change, too. Here are some signs to look for as he nears his golden years.

5 Ways To Go Green With Your Cat

Purrr-fect ways you and your cat can be eco-friendly You recycle, buy organic, and use eco-friendly green products for yourself, so why not make similar choi…

TNR: What is It And How Does It Help Feral Cats?

What can we do to help the lives of stray cats? Trap, neuter, release (TNR): A program designed to reduce the number of feral cats living on the streets.

What Is Stomatitis in Cats?

Your cat may not be happy because she has stomatitis - a type of dental disease. But what is stomatitis and how does it stop your cat from smiling?

How Do Cats Show Affection?

Have you ever thought: "How do cats show affection?" As it turns out - plenty! Here's how to pick up on all the affection your kitty is throwing down!

Why Are Cats So Protective of Their Bellies?

Have you ever rubbed a cat's belly? Chances are, that if you ever tried, you got a hiss and a paw full of claws for you troubles.

This AI-Powered Cat Food Bowl Uses Face ID to Stop Kibble Thieves

If you live in a multi-pet household or have furry neighbors visiting in through the cat door, Mookkie will be a real lifesaver.

Smooches and Hugs for Kitty: A Good Idea?

When it comes to loving, does your cat let you hug and kiss her? Some people think it's fine, while others keep their affection to themselves.

You Can’t Unsee This Crazy Wall-to-Wall Cat-Decor House [Video]

Some people want to buy a fixer-upper; others want a house that's perfect. This house is neither... unless you are the ultimate crazy cat person!

Top 10 Best Cat Beds

We've narrowed down the choices to the best cat beds the market has to offer- each with specific advantages. The only thing you have to do is choose one!

How To Naturally Treat Common Digestive Disorders In Cats

Your cat’s tummy troubles mean more than hairballs – here’s how to make her stomach feel better, naturally From diarrhea to constipation to…

The Most Common Litter Box Mistakes You’re Making

A big bonus of having a cat has to be the ease kitty litter. But if your cat refuses to use it, it may be because you're making these mistakes.

Feral Cats Chase Rats in Urban Areas to Earn Their Keep

Feral cats' instinctive prey skills are being put to use in new programs that use them to help urban areas rid themselves of rat problems.

Did You Know These Feline Facts?

So, you think you know cats? Prove it! Let's see how smart you are when it comes to our kitty friends with these feline facts.

Rescue Cat Thinks Life’s a Beach In Australia

Whoever said cats don’t love water never met a Nathan, a one-year-old water-loving kitty who swims with the best of them! A rescued cat in Australia ha…

Best Cat Treats

Cat treats are an excellent way to reward your four-legged friend for their good behavior- or just pamper them like they surely deserve.

Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Break out the tissues! Does your feline have the sniffles and the sneezes? Find out if your cat sneezing problem is no big deal or a big problem.

9 Bizarre Things Cats Love to Lick

Let's just say it out loud: Cats can be weird. Like, really weird. Just look at some of the bizarre things they love to lick. Must be the catnip...

10 Pussy Prezzies for Pop This Father’s Day

Grab 'em by the pussies... HEY, we're talking about pussy presents that are perfect to give to your pop on Father's Day. Nasty, nasty thoughts!

Vomiting in Cats: When to Worry

Yes, it's a gross topic, but it's an important one to talk about. Let's go over vomiting in cats and when you should be worried.

Hilarious Police Account Of Cat Stuck In Tree Goes Viral

If you've ever owned a cat, particularly one who has a penchant for climbing trees, the police account from a town in Maine will have you in stitches.

10 Obvious Signs That Your Cat’s Out To Get You

Remember that time you dressed up your cat like a baby - diapers and all - while taking pics and sending them to your friends? It's payback time!

Not-So-Crazy Cat Lady Leaves $300,000 to Her Kitties in Her Will

What would happen to your pets when you pass on? A couple of kitties in the Bronx, New York, won't have to worry because their mama willed them $300,000!

Our Guide to the Best Cat Harnesses

Do you want to take your feline on some outdoor adventures? Then you’ll need a leash and harness designed for cats.

Pets Are Getting Heavier With Each Year- And It’s Damaging Their Hea

Over half of all cats and dogs in the United States are overweight, and as a result, many preventable health issues are becoming more common for pets,

Pumpkin for Cats – How and When to Use It

Full of fiber, pumpkin can be a great dietary supplement for your pets. Here's what you need to know about pumpkin for cats.

Why Cats Aren’t Like Other Domesticated Pets

For many people, a cat is a staple in their household - felines complete the family. But what sets a cat apart from any other domesticated pet?

How to Set Up the Perfect Environment for Foster Kittens

You've decided to open your home to kittens in need. Make sure they feel welcome by creating the perfect environment for them to thrive.

Best Cat Chew Toys

Do you have a kitty that loves to chew? If� you need ideas to keep your feline's teeth busy, check out our list of the best cat chew toys.�

Cat Gagging: Why Does It Happen

What causes cat gagging? Is there anything you can do to prevent or help it? Let’s talk all about cat gagging and shy it happens. Gagging is something…

Could Your Cat’s Purring Have Healing Effects on You?

A cat's purr can melt the coldest heart. Did you know that your kitty's purring can be good for your health... and your feline's health?

4 Fascinating Facts About White Cats

As fluffy as a snowball, there's something about white cats that we can't resist. Here are a few facts we found out about them!

The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke and Your Cat

It's a bad habit that's hard to break. But we think you'd find it easier to quit if you knew what secondhand smoke was doing to your cat.

Can Cats Get Separation Anxiety Like Dogs?

We all know that dogs tend to get very attached to their owners, and will often get separation anxiety as a result. But what about seemingly aloof and independent kitties?

Do Cats Prefer More Nutritious Foods?

The more nutritious the food, the more satisfied the cat! For a well fed and happy kitty, choose more nutritious meals at mealtime.

Here’s Why Your Cat Runs Out of the Litter Box

Most cats take to their litter boxes instantly. But there are situations where your cat avoids her litter box, and it may point to health problems.

What’s With Cats and All That Stretching?

Cats are able to contort their bodies into all kinds of positions when they stretch. Here's what experts say about cats and their nimble stretching habits.

How to Make Moving Easy on Your Cat

It's time to get your move on. Before you pack up your belongings and leave your old home behind, make the move easier on your cat with these tips.

Top 8 Kid-Friendly Cat Breeds

Thinking about adding a pet to the family? Always ready for a play day and willing to lend a furry ear to listen, a cat can be your child's best friend!

5 Instagram Accounts Cat Lovers Should Follow

Who are you following on Instagram? If you want adorable and hilarious kitties to fill up your feed, start following these famous Instagram Cats.

Grumpy Cat’s Worst Ever Honor As She Tops Forbes Best Pet Influencer

Grumpy Cat may be best-known for her ever-grumpy pus, but now Forbes has recognized her as the Top Pet Influencer of 2017!

Cat Not Using Litter Box? These Tips May Clear The Air

What's that smell? What's that mess? Looks like your kitty's bathroom is out of order. Cat not using litter box? Check to see if it's one of these problems.

Researchers Discover Virus Related To Hepatitis B In Cats

Researchers have found hepadnavirus in cats, and say that the virus, which belongs in the hepatitis B family, can help learn more about hepatitis in humans.

Best Cat Litter Boxes

Our comprehensive list features the best cat litter boxes in different styles, materials, and sizes- there is a match for every kitty.

Best Cat Dewormers

Does your cat have worms or parasites? Gross! Get rid of them with one of our picks for best cat dewormers.�

Study Gives Cat Owners Scientific Proof That Their Pets Are Ignoring T

A new study by Japanese reseasrchers confirms what many other suspected: cats understand us perfectly fine, they just don't care to show it.

What You Should Know About Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

When it comes to Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, a small problem can turn serious quickly. Here's what you need to know about this health risk.

Things To Consider Before Feeding Your Cat Fish

Something smells fishy! A few reasons to think twice before feeding your cat fish Even though your cat may go crazy at the mere smell of fish and beg you to…

Crazy Cat Maze Proves Cats Can Make Humans Do ANYthing [Video]

When you want to celebrate International Cat Day in the most hella way possible, whaddya do? Well, build a crazy cardboard cat maze, of course!

Cats Are On The Prowl In The UK, But Fish Take Title As Most Popular P

In the United Kingdom, new research shows that the number of pet cats is on the rise, and that more men are adopting cats than ever before!

Best Cat Strollers

Feel like taking your cat out for a walk, but a leash is out of the question? We've got the solution -- check out our choices for the best cat strollers.

Does Your Cat Groom You?

Cats are hardwired to keep themselves clean - that's why constantly grooming. But does your cat take an interest in your personal hygiene?