How Do Cats Show Affection?

Have you ever thought: "How do cats show affection?" As it turns out - plenty! Here's how to pick up on all the affection your kitty is throwing down!

Experts Recommend Swiss Fat Cats Hunt For Their Food

Vets in Switzerland are concerned with the growing problem of 'fat cats.' According to new research, 20-40% of pets, cats in particular, are overweight.

PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box

What if there was a product that took over the duty of picking up after your cat? Let the PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box do all the work for you.

Quit Spending Money on Expensive Cat Toys and Go DIY

Come on, get crafty - make your own cat toys and save money! There are plenty of easy cat toys you can make, and it won't cost you the bank.

Top 10 Purrfect Gifts For Cat Lovers

What do you get your crazy cat lovin' friend for the holidays? Well, take a look at our Top 10 Gifts for Cat lovers and take your pick!

Gift Guide: Best Christmas Gifts for Cats

Wish Feliz Navidad to your feline friend with one of these Christmas gifts for cats- any one of them is bound to get them into festive mood.

4 of the Most Popular Cat Cafés in the World

Feel like drinking coffee with a cat on your lap, and you're a jetsetter? Be sure to visit these cat cafes if you're ever in these cities.

Dr. Jean Hofve Shares Valuable Feline Nutrition Tips

What's in your kitty's bowl? If you're interested in feeding your cat a holistic diet, Dr. Jean Hofve is the vet to go to about feline nutrition.

Rescue Cat Returns Favor, Saves Family From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

A quiet rescued family cat found his voice at the most important time, warning his family that their house was filling with deadly carbon monoxide.

Best Cat Litter

Check out our comprehensive guide on best cat litter the market has to offer: from clay and crystals to wood to grass and wheat, we've covered all of them.

Popular Pesticide Permethrin Can Be Poisonous To Cats

It’s the time of year where we’re trying to keep the bugs off our bodies and our plants, but experts are warning that the pesticide permethrin is…

Studies Show Dry Food Linked to Feline Diabetes

A diet may not be the answer. A new study out of Sweden found that normal-weight cats fed a diet of dry food had an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Ask the Animal Communicator: My Indoor Cat Wants To Go Outside

From the outside looking in, the life of your pampered indoor cat might look so sublime. But from the inside looking out, you may find yourself wondering i…

What To Do With Your Overweight Cat

That's not fur - it's fat! Is your kitty packing on the pounds? An overweight cat may look cute, but those extra pounds could mean more health problems.

Here’s Why Your Cat Runs Out of the Litter Box

Most cats take to their litter boxes instantly. But there are situations where your cat avoids her litter box, and it may point to health problems.

Is Your Cat Losing Teeth? Here’s Why

Should you be alarmed if you cat is losing teeth? Let's talk about why this happens and what you should do.

Researchers Developed A Cat Brush That Looks and Works Like a Feline T

After analyzing the unique structure of the feline tongue, scientists used it as an inspiration to create a revolutionary hair brush for cats.

Pros and Cons of Laser Pointer Cat Toys

Cats seem to love chasing the dot created by a laser pointer, but is this really the best toy for your kitty? Let's talk about the pros and cons.

How To Naturally Treat Common Digestive Disorders In Cats

Your cat’s tummy troubles mean more than hairballs – here’s how to make her stomach feel better, naturally From diarrhea to constipation to…

How To Hire The Right Cat Sitter For Your Frisky Feline

Hiring a cat sitter can be a daunting process because there are a lot of people out there who are willing to pet sit but not all of them are qualified.

Top 10 Best Cat Beds

We've narrowed down the choices to the best cat beds the market has to offer- each with specific advantages. The only thing you have to do is choose one!

9 Scratch-Free Tips On How To Bathe A Cat

Even cats need a bath. How do you keep your arms intact while undertaking this perilous activity? Here's how to bathe a cat and remain relatively unscathed.

Best Cat Pheromone Sprays

If your cat suffers from stress or anxiety, it can result in unwanted behavior. Cat pheromone sprays could be the answer you've been looking for.�

Hilarious Police Account Of Cat Stuck In Tree Goes Viral

If you've ever owned a cat, particularly one who has a penchant for climbing trees, the police account from a town in Maine will have you in stitches.

Why Researchers Are Studying the Cat’s Meow

What's the meaning behind your cat's meow? Researchers are determined to find out with a new study being conducted at Lund University in Sweden.

Top 10 Self-Cleaning Kitty Litter Boxes

Want to make poop scooping business as hands-free as possible? Check out our list of top 10 self-cleaning kitty litter boxes to find a type that will suit you and your feline friend.

Study: Cats Aren’t As Concerned With Rats As We Thought They Were

A new study suggests that our favorite feline mousers may be slacking on the job, and have tricked us all into thinking that mice don’t play when the…

Top 5 Online Resources for Cat Owners

It's just a mouse click away! The Internet may be full of funny cat pictures, but it also has a wealth of online resources for cat owners.

Study Gives Cat Owners Scientific Proof That Their Pets Are Ignoring T

A new study by Japanese reseasrchers confirms what many other suspected: cats understand us perfectly fine, they just don't care to show it.

Best Hypoallergenic Cat Food

Hypoallergenic cat food is formulated to meet the needs of cats with food sensitivities and eliminate common allergens from the mix.

The C.A.T.S. Are Out Of the Bag and ALL Over the Subway!

A kickstarter-turned-revolution has replaced advertisements in a London subway with pictures of adorable cats who are looking for homes. Meow!

Keeping Your Cat Stress-Free This New Year’s Eve

Even though New Year’s Eve is a fun-filled night for you, your cat might feel differently about it.

Kitten Fostering FAQs

If you love kittens (who doesn't), you may want to think about fostering. Got kitten fostering questions? We've got the answers!

Best Cat Blankets

If you’re a cat parent, you already know how much kitties love snuggling into a warm blanket. Most cats of all ages will gladly spend time on or under a blanket for warmth, security, and comfort. That’s why there are a lot of cat blankets available these days. These products are designed for pet parents who want to give their feline companions their own soft blanket to use daily. And they can be a great way to enrich your pet’s environment while keeping your furniture in good condition.

How to Kitten Proof Your Home

Kittens get into everything - they're curious, playful and can't help themselves! Get down to their level and kitten proof your home!

A Brief Guide to Feline Calicivirus

Have you ever heard of Feline Calicivirus? Known as FCV, this disease affects a cat's respiratory system and can be dangerous.

Mystery Solved: Why Cat Breeds Look Alike, But Dog Breeds Don’t

Dog breeds take the lead with the highest number of recognized breeds compared to cats. But why is there such a difference?

What Is Feline Whisker Fatigue?

Who knew that whiskers could get so tired? It's true, and whisker fatigue could be causing your cat some serious stress around mealtimes.

New Jersey May Be The First State To Prohibit Cat Declawing

Pet cats are 'declawed' so that they don't destroy furniture or injure humans. But a new measure in New Jersey may soon make that common practice illegal.

The Shocking Truth About How Cats Get Their Way Revealed!

Those crafty kitties are clever. Forget puppy-dog eyes - cats have a way of making you drop everything to tend to their every need!

Study Says Watching Cat Videos Boosts Energy, Positive Emotions [Video

I wish I worked at the Indiana University Study, so I could get paid to watch awesome cat videos and be happy all day. Science is pretty cool!

Cat Not Using Litter Box? These Tips May Clear The Air

What's that smell? What's that mess? Looks like your kitty's bathroom is out of order. Cat not using litter box? Check to see if it's one of these problems.

Product Review: Taco Meoow Cat Bed

Oscar asks his bestest kitty friends, Evey and Toto, to help him try out the Taco Meoow. Spicy and soft, this cat bed is a fiesta of fun!

3 Common Cat Training Mistakes

When it comes to training cats, you might not be sure where to begin. They aren’t like dogs, and they can be quite stubborn.

What Is FIV In Cats?

A virus that attacks a feline's immune system, FIV in cats is a disease that can easily be transmitted to your kitty. Here's what you need to know.

Experts Say Canine Influenza Has Spread to Infect Cats

It's made the jump! Despite the virus being called canine influenza, experts have confirmed the virus has also been found in a group of felines.

Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Break out the tissues! Does your feline have the sniffles and the sneezes? Find out if your cat sneezing problem is no big deal or a big problem.

What Is Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome?

A condition that can prove to be uncomfortable in cats, feline hyperesthesia syndrome cause increased skin sensitivity.

Best Litter Deodorizers for Cats

We love our cats, but we hate the smell of their bathroom! Want to get rid of the stink? Try one of these best litter deodorizers for cats.�

Man Builds Amazing Cat Creations From Cardboard

There are few lengths most pet owners would go to in order to make their pets. One man hits that out of the park with creative cat houses made of cardboard.

Cats Are On The Prowl In The UK, But Fish Take Title As Most Popular P

In the United Kingdom, new research shows that the number of pet cats is on the rise, and that more men are adopting cats than ever before!

Ask The Hairy Dogfathers: Can Cats Veg Out?

Going vegan isn't for everyone - and that goes for pets. What happens when your beliefs and pet don't mix? You ask the Hairy Dogfathers for their advice!

Valerian for Cats: A Safe Alternative to Catnip

If your cat likes to get high (legally, of course) and catnip does nothing for him, there are alternatives. Try valerian for cats - it's safe and natural!

Understanding Asthma In Cats

This human affliction can also leave your cat short of breath - and it's a serious health risk. here's what you need to know about asthma in cats.

10 Reasons Why You Need More Kitty Fluff in Your Life

Sugar, spice... and lots of fluffy. These are the ingredients that went into these fluffy cats - and we've got 10 reasons why you need one in your life.

Cat Bread is the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!

A bakery in Japan has gone to the cats--they've baked up a new bread that will have all the kittehs (and kitteh lovahs) saying, "Mmmmm...meow!"

5 Instagram Accounts Cat Lovers Should Follow

Who are you following on Instagram? If you want adorable and hilarious kitties to fill up your feed, start following these famous Instagram Cats.

Top 10 Cats Who Need a Hug

Happy International Hug Your Cat Day! Open your arms and show how much you're a feline fanatic by hugging all the cats you come across today!

Top 10 Friendliest Cat Breeds

Cats are lovable pets - just ask a cat lover! If you want a friend for life, check out our list of the top 10 friendliest cat breeds.

Cat Health: What Is Toxoplasmosis?

This problem isn't contained to the litter box. Toxoplasmosis can affect cats and humans - here's how to avoid infection.