Experts Recommend Swiss Fat Cats Hunt For Their Food

Vets in Switzerland are concerned with the growing problem of 'fat cats.' According to new research, 20-40% of pets, cats in particular, are overweight.

Sure Petcare Microchip Pet Feeder Connect Is For Perfect Cat Food Port

Our pets are our family, and just like our human family members, it’s important that we watch the waistlines and weights of our furry friends. Often, i…

Grammy-Winning Violinist Shows Cool Cats Love Classical Music [Video]

A Grammy-winning violinist's consideration of strays along an animated street has music fans all over the world seeing the street kitties in a new light.

4 of the Most Popular Cat Cafés in the World

Feel like drinking coffee with a cat on your lap, and you're a jetsetter? Be sure to visit these cat cafes if you're ever in these cities.

Cool Kickstarter Makes Humans Useless To Cats

When you're away from home, are you worried that your cat is okay? A cool Kitty Kickstarter will give you some peace of mind when you can't be together!

How to Set Up the Perfect Environment for Foster Kittens

You've decided to open your home to kittens in need. Make sure they feel welcome by creating the perfect environment for them to thrive.

Did You Know These Feline Facts?

So, you think you know cats? Prove it! Let's see how smart you are when it comes to our kitty friends with these feline facts.

How This Cat Food Can Change Your Life

Living with a kitty is not without its challenges, especially if you happen to be sensitive to allergens in cat hair and dander.

The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke and Your Cat

It's a bad habit that's hard to break. But we think you'd find it easier to quit if you knew what secondhand smoke was doing to your cat.