How to Control Your Cat’s Shedding

Even though it's normal for cats to shed, excessive shedding could indicate a health problem or high levels of stress. And shedding can get out of control.

Netflix Employee Cats Can’t Even With Stranger Things’ ‘That Mom

Netflix has released a Stranger Things reaction video of employees' cats watching Dustin's family cat get eaten by a demogorgon.

Taylor Swift’s Cats Help Her Bide Time as Her New Album Rolls Out

T-Swift's new album Reputation just dropped, but seems like she and her pretty kitties just had to let the cat out of the bag a teensy bit early.

Study Reveals That Cats Really Don’t Need Us

A recent study says that we need cats more than they need us (*Sniff!). Don't worry - at least our dogs will always turn to us for the basic necessities.

Is Dog Food Bad for Cats?

Can dog food be bad for cats? Here’s what you should know if your feline is keen on nibbling your dog’s kibble.

Can Cats Get Separation Anxiety Like Dogs?

We all know that dogs tend to get very attached to their owners, and will often get separation anxiety as a result. But what about seemingly aloof and independent kitties?

5 Helpful Cat Training Tips To Control Your Frisky Feline

Dogs aren't the only pets that benefit from training. Cat training is possible - we've put together 5 helpful hints to teach your kitty a few new tricks!

Could Your Cat’s Purring Have Healing Effects on You?

A cat's purr can melt the coldest heart. Did you know that your kitty's purring can be good for your health... and your feline's health?

After 11 Long Years, a Cat That Was Presumed Dead Returns Home

If a pet story can be considered a real life miracle, it’s the one about Toby, a family cat that - it would seem - lived a life of great adventure.

Adventure Cat Inspiration & Tips: Meet Walter!

Dogs aren't the only ones who like to get out and about. We'd like to introduce you to adventure cats, and a kitty named Walter who's all about travel!

Persian Puss’s Amazing Transformation Will Make You Smile [Video]

Move over, Grumpy Cat! There's a new sour-looking puss in town... and his unbelievable transformation will make your heart happy!

Top 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Bigger is better... when it comes to cats, that is. If you want a big kitty, check out our list of top 10 largest domestic cat breeds.

Tell-Tale Signs Your Cat May Be in Pain

Because they don't speak human, cats can't tell us they're feeling discomfort. That's why we need to watch for these signs and symptoms of pain in cats.

Curio Custom Litter Box is The Cat’s Meow

We all know that cats can be particular about their litter boxes. But your kitty will have nothing but happy purrs with the Curio Modern Cat Litter Box.

Woman Leaves For China While Her Cat Is Still Missing At Airport

The owner of a cat who escaped her carrier at JFK airport was sadly forced to leave for China, without her furry friend. An attorney who took a new job in Ch…

How To Prevent Boredom While Your Cat Is Home Alone

While the human is away, the cat will play - what kind of trouble will your kitty get into? Here's how to keep him busy while you're out of the house.

Canadian Veterinarian Medical Association Opposes Declawing In Cats

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association is taking a stronger stance against declawing cats, calling the procedure unnecessary and avoidable amputation. C…

Best Cat Spinning Toys

There are a lot of innovative pet toys on the market to help you keep your cat active, happy, and healthy. Spinning toys are popular because they are a type of electronic toy that is so simple, yet cats love them. To help you find the right spinning toy for your feline companion, we’ve compiled some helpful tips below, along with a list of 10 toys that we think are worth checking out when you’re ready to shop.

Best Dental Supplements for Cats

Say cheese! Keeping your cat's teeth clean is vital to her health. To keep those pearl whites shiny, check out our guide for the best dental supplements for cats.�

Cleaning Cat Teeth: A Guide to Dental Care for Cats

You need to take steps each day to be certain your cat's mouth is healthy. Here's a quick guide on how to keep those cat teeth clean and healthy!

Top 10 Cool Facts About Cats You Didn’t Know

Think you know all there is to know about felines? We bet a few of these top 10 cool facts about cats are news to you! Purrfect for kitty trivia nights!

Top 10 Long Haired Cat Breeds

These cats never have a bad hair day! Boasting downy soft and luxuriant locks, these long haired cat breeds are bushy balls of kitty goodness.

First Time In US Cats Test Positive For COVID-19

Two pet cats in New York have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and are the first to do so in the United States. Both are expe…

Two-Faced Kitty Pulls an About-Face With Copycat Face-ade!

Now here's a look you don't see everyday. This adorable little two-faced cat has scientists wondering if she is a true 'Chimera.'

Why Do Cats Go Crazy at Night?

When the sun goes down, your cat is on the prowl... for madness and mayhem! What is it about the night time that brings out the friskiness in our cats?

Studies Show Dry Food Linked to Feline Diabetes

A diet may not be the answer. A new study out of Sweden found that normal-weight cats fed a diet of dry food had an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Senior Cat Health Problems: How to Keep Your Senior Cat Active

Part of getting older is slowing down. The same goes for our felines. Take control of your senior cat health problems by keeping her active.

Study Finds High-Pitched Noises Set Off Seizures In Cats

Research out of England says that sounds as insignificant as a tinkle can cause cats to have seizures. It’s called “Tom and Jerry syndrome”…

Feline Health: Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Don't write off your cat's unusual behavior as a cry for attention - it could be a cry for help! These symptoms could signal a serious health problem.

Tips on How to Pick Furniture Your Cat Won’t Scratch

Your couch isn't an oversized cat scratcher for your kitty! Here are some tips on picking furniture your cat won't be tempted to scratch.

Cats Are So Cool They Domesticated Themselves

Have you ever thought that your cat was just too cool for you? It turns out that they're so cool, they domesticated themselves!

Teen Takes His Cat to the Purrom

No need to buy her a corsage - she'll just eat it. Stuck without a date to the prom, this teen decided to do the logical thing... bring his cat as his +1.

“Giving Shelter” Art Exhibit Combines Creativity and Condos for Ho

Architects for Animals displayed its acclaimed 'Giving Shelter' exhibit recently, displaying unique outdoor dwellings for homeless cats.

Do Cats Dream of Chasing Mice and Balls of Yarn?

When they close their eyes for some rest, do cats dream? Visions of bottomless bowls of milk, field of mice and scratching posts dance in their heads!

Benefits of Deciphering Your Cat’s Personality

It's true - every cat has a distinct personality. And by deciphering your feline's personality, you be able to bond even closer to your kitty.

Why Do Cats Knead?

She won't lie down until the blanket or her bed is just right! What are their actual intentions? Have you ever wondered: why do cats kneed?

Look What The Curious Cat Dragged In – a Bag Full Of Drugs!

They say a dog’s nose knows, but one curious kitty in England helped the local police with a major suspected cocaine drug bust. Forensic experts in Avo…

So Much Want: Plush Pussy Purses!

If you don't want a purse that looks like a furry cat with big balls anatomically private parts, then you might need to reexamine life goals.

Are Cats Social Creatures?

Who says that kitties don't like the pleasure of our company? Cats do need companionship, even though they may not seem social.

The Best Catnip for Herb-Loving Kitties

Best catnip is potent, fresh, and grown and harvested up to standards that ensure health safety of your pet- check out our selection!

Declawing Cats: A Cruel and Unnecessary Procedure

Is declawing cats a humane procedure, or should you just stick with regularly trimming your cat's claws, and providing scratching posts around the house?

Psyllium Fiber for Cats: A Natural Remedy for Constipation

Did you know that you can add fiber to your kitty's diet? Let's talk about psyllium fiber for cats and how it can help.

5 Cat-ravagant Perks of an Outdoor Catio

You want your indoor cat to enjoy the benefits of the outdoors without the danger. The solution - an outdoor catio that protects your kitty!

How to Bond With Your New Kitten

It's more than love at first sight. Start off your relationship purr-fectly by doing all the right things to bond with your kitten.

Crazy Cat Houses Let Your Kitty Be Indiana Jones

A Michigan couple created a fantabulous cat furniture company, combining their love for cats and movies with amazing designs so your kitty can feel famous.

Siberian Crazy Cat Farm Boasts a Million Feline Residents

Not sure what to get your crazy cat neighbor for the holidays? How about a trip to "Catland," a farm in Siberia that about million cats call home!

Pumpkin for Cats – How and When to Use It

Full of fiber, pumpkin can be a great dietary supplement for your pets. Here's what you need to know about pumpkin for cats.

How to Care for Stray Cats

While we may not be able to adopt stray cats, there are many things we can do to make sure they are taken care of while they live outdoors.

Hilarious Cat Adoption Profiles Will Make You Do A Spit Take!

A man who sneaks funny signs into the real world embarked upon a clandestine mission: to write new profiles for adoptable cats at a California shelter.

Purr-fect Guide to the Sounds Your Cat Makes

Purr, meow, hiss, yowl - you can understand what your kitty is trying to tell you. Here's our guide to interpreting the sounds your cat makes.

The Luuup Litter Box Kickstarter Offers 3 Trays, No Mess

Never pick up cat poop again with the Luuup Litter Box. This 3 tray perpetual sifting litter system is just what finicky cat parents want in their homes.

SuperZoo 2016 Day 2: KATRIS Lynks Modular Cat Scratchers

The claws came out at SuperZoo when KATRIS unveiled its Lynks Modular Cat Scratchers. These cat scratchers are the cat's meow!

4 of the Most Popular Cat Cafés in the World

Feel like drinking coffee with a cat on your lap, and you're a jetsetter? Be sure to visit these cat cafes if you're ever in these cities.

Me-Om: Do Yoga, Adopt Cats

Cats have the right idea when they stretch out their bodies. Why not join them for a class of Me-Om - a yoga class with adoptable cats!

Costumed Kitties Pay Homage to Taylor Swift and Sparks Fly!

Meet Fan Girl Jessica, who dresses her cat up to match Taylor Swift in honor of her new album, "Reputation," being released in November!

Best Litter Box Furniture

Hide your kitty litter box in plain sight as a piece of furniture. Here's our picks for the best litter box furniture.�

Top 10 Cats Who Need a Hug

Happy International Hug Your Cat Day! Open your arms and show how much you're a feline fanatic by hugging all the cats you come across today!

Why Do Cats Love to Sunbathe?

Cats seek out warm spots -- from sunshine streaming through the windows to heater vents. But even with all their fur, why do cats crave warmth?

Top 10 Human Foods Poisonous to Cats

It may smell good to your kitty, but it may be dangerous for her to eat. Be sure to keep your cat away from these poisonous foods.

5 Pawstive Reasons Why Cats Steal Our Hearts

One minute he's aloof, the next, he's curled up purring on your lap. Any cat person will talk your ear off about how a cat can steal your heart.